Quality Welding and Fabrication of Stainless Steel, Titanium, Alluminium and Cast Iron
We do NOT do Plastic Welding
For the quickest response, call Selwyn on 022 087 5899
You don’t have to be very experienced in any area of automotive, to discover that parts can be near impossible to source at times. Likewise, when looking for coolant pipes or Intercooler pipes for your turbo system, it can be hard going.
Well, HGW Performance understand, and they can manufacture those hard to get pipes. Simply supply a sample and let HGW Performance’ skills do the rest.
Often automotive and machinery pipes are specific in their sizes and shapes. Plus, they often have fittings for sensors or secondary pipes embedded. And unless you can source the precise item, you’re hung out to dry.
Again, HGW Performance get it, the frustration can be high. Talk to us about manufacturing a new item for you. Simply supply a sample and let HGW Performance’ skills do the rest.
Many automotive engines have Cast Iron components, usually Exhaust Manifolds, and they crack sometimes. Often, due to age, these manifolds cannot be sourced with new units, so repair becomes the only option.
Using TIG welding technology, HGW Performance can repair your Cast Iron manifold and extend the life of your engine.
If you’re building, or rebuilding a custom machine, it’s not uncommon to need unique engine or transmission mounts made.
HGW Performance has the experience and know-how to do a professional job that will comply with the legal requirements for such modifications.
Call today to discuss the possibilities with “The Welder” at HGW Performance.
Aluminium Cooling system components, such as Thermostat Housings, corrode out at times and new units simply cannot be sourced, or are unaffordable.
Well, again, HGW Performance has the answer!
Often these Aluminium units can be repaired, rebuilt, or integrated with new Aluminium components to operate as good as new, if not better.
Call today to discuss the possibilities with “The Welder” at HGW Performance.